Pagoda Flower

Clerodendrum paniculatum

Rated 5/5 based on 1 reviews.
Sold Out
you are purchasing a small plant in a 75 mil pot. This lot will be cut back for posting.

Clerodendrum paniculatum is semiwoody shrub with large evergreen leaves and huge showy clusters of orange-red or scarlet flowers held above the foliage. Showy display lasts from summer through autumn with additional sporadic flowering throughout the year in frost free climates.

Also known as Butterfly Bush as it attracts many nectar feeders including sunbirds and butterflies.

31/3/22 This lot will be cut back for posting as they're gotten too tall.


Growing Conditions well drained rich soil, tropical to cool subtropical (frost free, may die back in cooler climates and come back in spring)
Flowering Season Flowers continuously spring summer
Max Size 2 m
Origin India
Temperature tropical to cool subtropical
SKU 515

Pagoda Flower

4 May 2020
I'm taking a chance with this plant hoping it flourishes , arrived in good condition. I have prepared the soil and planted on the same day it arrived in the post giving it every chance to survive, 2 weeks later since planting its starting to look good.
(5) Response
Hi Chris, it's pretty tough and should be Ok. We just try and be conservative in our advice as we send plants to alltypes of gardens and gardeners. Ours are in full flower now and covered with butterflies. It's a fantastic plant for nectar feeders, hoe you get plenty of flowers soon!

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