Flowering Trees, Shrubs and Vines

Here you'll find a beautiful selection of flowering trees, shrubs and vines. We love flowering and particularly scented plants and we think you will too. They are an essential in tropical gardens!

Most of the plants in this section are propagated in limited numbers.

Orange Saraca Tree

Orange Saraca Tree


Rothmannia longiflora

Rothmannia longiflora


Aphelandra hartwegiana

Aphelandra hartwegiana


Bauhinia kockiana

Bauhinia kockiana


11% OFF RRP $45.00
Black Bat Plant

Black Bat Plant


Brugmansia Avalanche

Brugmansia Avalanche


Clerodendrum Starburst

Clerodendrum Starburst


Costa Rican Skullcap

Costa Rican Skullcap


Crinum procerum  "Queen Emma"

Crinum procerum "Queen Emma"


29% OFF RRP $35.00
Lady's Slipper Vine

Lady's Slipper Vine

Now $15.50

16% OFF RRP $18.50
Medinilla magnifica

Medinilla magnifica


Medinilla magnifica x2

Medinilla magnifica x2

Now $75.00

38% OFF RRP $120.00
Orange Saraca Tree Bulk Buy 10

Orange Saraca Tree Bulk Buy 10


20% OFF RRP $150.00
Panama Queen

Panama Queen


Queen's Wreath

Queen's Wreath


Radermachera "Summerscent"

Radermachera "Summerscent"


Radermachera "Summerscent" Bulk Buy
28% OFF RRP $90.00
Randia formosa

Randia formosa


Tabernaemontana pachysiphon

Tabernaemontana pachysiphon


Variegated Cassava

Variegated Cassava


Vietnamese Gardenia

Vietnamese Gardenia


White Justicia

White Justicia


Graptophyllum pictum "Thai"

Graptophyllum pictum "Thai"
