Other Tropical Plants

Here you'll find a selection of tropical exotic plants that don't fit in to our other categories including anthuriums, orchids,bat plants , bamboo, tropical flowering trees and aglaonemas.

Draceana Janet Craig Compacta

Draceana Janet Craig Compacta


50 cents to add to cart

50 cents to add to cart


Alocasia lutea

Alocasia lutea

Now $35.00

53% OFF RRP $75.00
Black Bat Plant

Black Bat Plant


Bun Long Taro

Bun Long Taro


Colocasia  Maui Gold

Colocasia Maui Gold


20% OFF RRP $50.00
Colocasia "Light Pillar"

Colocasia "Light Pillar"


25% OFF RRP $100.00
Colocasia "White Lava"

Colocasia "White Lava"


36% OFF RRP $55.00
Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko

Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko


14% OFF RRP $35.00
Costa Rican Skullcap

Costa Rican Skullcap


Crinum procerum  "Queen Emma"

Crinum procerum "Queen Emma"


29% OFF RRP $35.00
Dracaena Janet Craig

Dracaena Janet Craig


Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily

Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily


Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily Bulk buy
27% OFF RRP $75.00
Golden Crinum/Thai Yellow Crinum
17% OFF RRP $17.50
Golden Crinum/Thai Yellow Crinum 5 plant Bulk Buy
14% OFF RRP $70.00
Lemon Lime Dracaena

Lemon Lime Dracaena





Marang-Tarap Bulk Buy

Marang-Tarap Bulk Buy


40% OFF RRP $250.00
Neon Pothos/Lime Pothos

Neon Pothos/Lime Pothos
