
This section is particularly useful for people currently landscaping their garden. You'll find lots of ground covers and bed fillers that work well in tropical garden design.

Ground covers can help conserve moisture in the ground, stop erosion of the soils and brighten up the garden. They can be used simply to cover a bare piece of earth, in rockeries, on banks, can be used to help suppress weed growth if a dense cover is established and also act as a barrier between lawns and garden beds.

Visually ground covers can be used to tie a tropical garden together and give it a polished professional look. They can bring color and contrast to your beds or be blended for a more natural look.

Ground Cover Elephant Ears X 5

Ground Cover Elephant Ears X 5

Now $40.00

38% OFF RRP $65.00
Alocasia cucullata (Buddha's Palm/Chinese Taro)
17% OFF RRP $17.50
Black Bat Plant

Black Bat Plant


Colocasia  Maui Gold

Colocasia Maui Gold


20% OFF RRP $50.00
Colocasia "Light Pillar"

Colocasia "Light Pillar"


25% OFF RRP $100.00
Colocasia "White Lava"

Colocasia "White Lava"


36% OFF RRP $55.00
Colocasia fallax

Colocasia fallax


Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko

Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko


14% OFF RRP $35.00
Crinum jagus

Crinum jagus


Crinum jagus Bulk Buy Special

Crinum jagus Bulk Buy Special


27% OFF RRP $75.00
Crinum procerum  "Queen Emma"

Crinum procerum "Queen Emma"


29% OFF RRP $35.00
Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily

Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily


Eucharis Lily Amazon Lily Bulk buy
27% OFF RRP $75.00
Golden Crinum/Thai Yellow Crinum
17% OFF RRP $17.50
Golden Crinum/Thai Yellow Crinum 5 plant Bulk Buy
14% OFF RRP $70.00
Ground Cover Elephant Ears

Ground Cover Elephant Ears


Persian Shield

Persian Shield


Persian Shield bulk buy

Persian Shield bulk buy

Now $45.00

40% OFF RRP $75.00
Pinto Peanut 10 barerooted plants

Pinto Peanut 10 barerooted plants

Now $40.00

20% OFF RRP $50.00
Pinto Peanut 5 barerooted plants

Pinto Peanut 5 barerooted plants

Now $25.00

29% OFF RRP $35.00
Purple Crinum Lily

Purple Crinum Lily


Tiger Grass

Tiger Grass
