H. stricta cv Granada (Granada)

Flowers in Winter!

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One of our new imports. Attractive orange red claw with thin green band. Flowers winter and spring, excellent cutflower.

Granada is one of the prettiest red orange colours I have ever seen. The leaves have a red vein up the center making the foliage very attractive.  It is a relatively rare heliconia and difficult to find in Australia.  Flowers winter and spring, excellent cutflower. Strictas seem to enjoy very good drainage and have a very open clumping habit..


Growing Conditions Well drained rich soil. Full sun to part shade.
Flowering Season winter spring flowering
Max Size 2 meters
Origin unsure
Temperature 5 degrees
SKU 247

H. stricta cv Granada in River Heads, QLD

5 December 2023
Is in the ground and growing well. General note: I buy plants from El Arish for past year and quality and service is excellent. In my opinion El Arish is the best place on internet in Australia to buy tropical, subtropical and temperate plants. They are so well organized, there is no room for improvement.

elarishtropicalexotics.com Response
Thank you Mark! That's such a nice thing to say. Grenada is an awesome heliconia. The flower bracts are a corally red and it flowers in winter when little else is in flower. I hope this one powers in your garden!

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