Buy Cordylines Tropical Plant Store Australia

Cordylines for sale at el arish tropical exotics

Cordylines are native to a number of places including Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. In recent years they have gained tremendous popularity as a landscaping plant. New and colorful hybrids, their ability to hold their own in a drought and the way in which they compliment so many other tropicals has led to a sort of cordymania in Australia. They are a must have is you are looking for tough tropical plants that will help you achieve a lush look.
Cordylines are very easy to grow. They like rich soil with good drainage and fertilizer in the growing season. Some cordylines prefer partial shade, some color up better in full sun and some are comfortable with both. Gardeners in high humidity areas can grower a wider range of cordylines in full sun. Cordylines grown in optimal conditions will look much better than cordylines grown in poor conditions.
If possible we recommend potting your cordylines up. They can be planted out when they shoot and establish roots. If you are in a particularly cold area it is best to purchase your plants in spring so that they have a full growing season before encountering winter conditions.
You'll find more information on them in our blog.
Cordylines tend to color up best in winter. At that time the new growth tends to flush with color. Using lots of organic matter in the soil, mulching, adequate moisture, and appropriate light for your climate will get the best color from your cordylines. The color of your cordyline leaves will vary depending on conditions and climate.

Please remember that you are purchasing immature plants grown in 50% light. In most cases they will not look like the photos of mature plants. Our rare cordylines are sometimes sent as small potted plants but most will be barerooted.
If you decide to order in mid summer or when temps are over 27 degrees there is a chance the some cordylines with soft immature stems may bend towards the light in the box, once potted they will straighten up. This is a function of the heat and time spent in the box, if you can't handle that please don't order from us as there is nothing we can do about it.
 Our collection is exclusively of Cordyline fruticosa which is a very different plant from Cordyline australis.
We never haveeverything from our extensive collection in stock at once as we have limited motherstock. There is a notify me function on plant profiles,wecan alert you via email when something comes into stock but often numbers are limited,so get in there asap.

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