Aroids and other Tropical Plants Online Australia

Here you'll find Aroids we sell at El Arish Tropical Exotics including alocasias, colocasias, philodendrons, etc

Aroids are members of the Araceae family and are grouped together due to the structure of their inflorescence. They tend to have rhizomatous or tuberous roots but some like philodendron don't. . Aroids are popular in tropical landscaping due to their exotic and often colourful leaves,some which get to over a meter in width. Many aroids like colocasias will also grow in water making them great marginal plants for ponds or boggy areas. Some are semi cold hardy and will die back in winter and reshoot from the tubers in spring. Others will grow happily on palms or tree ferns and are great for vertical gardening and some are edible.

We've recently expanded our available aroid selection as they truly deserve a spot in every tropical garden.

Ground Cover Elephant Ears X 5

Ground Cover Elephant Ears X 5

Now $40.00

38% OFF RRP $65.00
Alocasia cucullata (Buddha's Palm/Chinese Taro)
17% OFF RRP $17.50
Alocasia lutea

Alocasia lutea

Now $35.00

53% OFF RRP $75.00
Alocasia macrorrhizos

Alocasia macrorrhizos


Alocasia portora

Alocasia portora

Now $15.50

56% OFF RRP $35.00
Alocasia Shock Wave

Alocasia Shock Wave

Now $15.00

33% OFF RRP $22.50
Bun Long Taro

Bun Long Taro


C. esculenta cv Illustris (Mottled Taro) bulk buy
36% OFF RRP $60.00
Colocasia  Maui Gold

Colocasia Maui Gold


20% OFF RRP $50.00
Colocasia "Light Pillar"

Colocasia "Light Pillar"


25% OFF RRP $100.00
Colocasia "White Lava"

Colocasia "White Lava"


36% OFF RRP $55.00
Colocasia fallax

Colocasia fallax


Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko

Colocasia Lemon and Lime Gecko


14% OFF RRP $35.00
Ground Cover Elephant Ears

Ground Cover Elephant Ears


Neon Pothos/Lime Pothos

Neon Pothos/Lime Pothos


Philodendron Majestic

Philodendron Majestic


75% OFF RRP $100.00
Philodendron mameii

Philodendron mameii


50% OFF RRP $50.00
Philodendron squamiferum

Philodendron squamiferum


Samoan Black Taro "Snowball"

Samoan Black Taro "Snowball"


Samoan Pink Taro

Samoan Pink Taro
