Visiting the Nursery

El Arish Tropical Exotics is an online mailorder nursery. We take biosecurity risks to our nursery very seriously and therefor limit public access.
Genuine customers (purchasing plants over our $50 minimum) are welcome to set up an appointment to pick orders up by prior arrangement. Having an appointment means we can schedule some time for you and lock up our dogs. We do not schedule pickups during the Wet Season or when it is particularly wet as we may not be able to get across our creek and are often flooded in. We are not always available or on site so please consider that mailorder often ends up being a better option as that is what we are set up as, a mailorder nursery. Plants can be picked up across our creek,at our front gate.
We have no credit card facilities on site so please bring exact cash for pickup orders.
We do not have a retail center for plant sales, we are not set up for the general public. We have no display gardens for members of the general public and due to liability concerns we do not allow the general public into our propagation areas. Our property is at the back of an unformed council road,across a creek that often floods and our three dogs are especially fond of leaving muddy pawprints on unannounced visitors.
The Cairns Botanical Gardens have excellent display gardens, facilities for the general public and do tours. If you are looking for some garden inspiration of interested seeing plants in a garden situation it is an excellent place to spend a few hours.